Sometimes motherhood can feel like one continuous hard punch to the vadge. I’m three years and 2 months into this mad journey and my flaps still metaphorically burn on the regs, and it’s not just recurring thrush. This week has been one of those weeks. Long, challenging, emotionally overwhelming and punctuated with moments of such crippling anxiety that I’ve questioned my ability to mother my own children. I know deep down that I’m doing a pretty good job (just don’t mention the vapour rub face mask my toddler gave himself this week) but occasionally my brain tells me otherwise and I enter into a state of Mum funk. Once that bastard gets hold of you, it can be pretty damn hard to shake off, especially when, let’s face it, there’s no fucking break from bringing up children. But today, I am over my own negativity. I’m giving my inner thoughts the finger and saying ‘fuck you’, I am enough. We are all enough! So if you’re currently doing the funky dance of self doubt and loathing, know that you're not alone and join me in giving yourself a little love today, however that manifests itself. For me, it’s locking the bathroom door and spending 20 minutes pretending to do a shit just to be alone or popping out for milk only to return two hours later having made a detour to TK Maxx, but most importantly, recognising my feelings, embracing them and reassuring myself that nothing ever stays the same. In the words of D:ream, things can only get better. I’ve got your flaps sistas! #motherhoodistough #mother #parenting #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulness #motherhoodtruths #selflove #selfcare #burningmingeofmotherhood
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