當地的動保團體「Animals Lebanon」心疼毛孩們,於是不畏艱難地發起救援行動,希望能幫助毛孩們重回主人懷抱,Animals Lebanon的執行董事傑森(Jason Mier)表示:「我們的工作就是救援受傷、走失的動物們,幫助牠們和主人團聚。」目前Animals Lebanon也已幫助超過20隻狗貓找到牠們的主人了。
In the aftermath of the #BeirutExplosion, one group is looking out for the city's lost and hurt pets. This is the heartbreaking reunion between a cat mom and her furbaby who volunteers say, was found stuck inside a car. : @AnimalsLebanon pic.twitter.com/uMX7VMpkUJ
— Alisha Ebrahimji (@AlishaEbrahimji) August 7, 2020
其實Animals Lebanon的辦公總部也受到大爆炸影響,不只建築物遭到破壞、玻璃被震碎,辦公室裡有好幾隻貓咪更因此受傷,傑森坦言,這是Animals Lebanon成立12年來所面臨最艱難的狀況,而且外頭還有很多動物急需幫助,他們不斷收到求助、救援工作刻不容緩。
Major explosion rocks Beirut!
— AnimalsLebanon (@AnimalsLebanon) August 4, 2020
Government now declares Beirut a disaster city.
At 6:00 this afternoon a major explosion at the port rocked all of Beirut.
Initial reports of over 70 dead and 4,000 injured.
Entire buildings and homes were destroyed, and significant pic.twitter.com/oQAVptPjo0